What to look for?

Let’s take a closer look at each of the DAMP Supervisor steps in more detail. First up is Identification.

Image of the Decision-making process - Identification highlighted

You need to decide whether a person is ‘adversely affected’ by alcohol or drugs. So what do you need to look for? 

Let’s look at some typical cases. See if you can determine what substance or behaviour each person is talking about.


Imgae of a 37 year old female

I find it easy to give up ______; I’ve done it countless times. In fact, I consider myself a non-addicted ______ because I have been using _______ on and off for 25 years without ever getting hooked. What saves me from being a _______ junkie is that I recognised early how easy it would be for me to get hooked on _______, and, knowing that if I did get hooked, I’d hate myself, I’ve always been very careful to keep my ______ under control.
-37 year old female, home duties

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Imgae of a 38 year old female Social worker

Five years ago, hoping to kick a _________ habit that was significantly affecting my life, I enrolled in a treatment program at the Centre for the Control of Addictions. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d managed to get through a day without _________, usually in quantities most people would regard as excessive, if not appalling. My behaviour was so compulsive and out of control that the best I think I can hope for is a slight, temporary reduction of the cravings I suffer constantly.
-Social worker, female 38

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Image of a 62 year old male Psychoanalyst

I like ______. It is a powerful drug and, God knows, for some people a hellish one, but if used carefully, it can give great pleasure. After a long hard day, the splendid warm glow that ______ provides is one of my favourite feelings; it starts in the pit of my stomach and then spreads to my limbs and brain…the fascinating complex flavour of good ______ can be profoundly sensual.
-Psychoanalyst, male, 62

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Image of a 26 year old male Photographer

I watched my roommate and best friend become addicted to ______. Greg took up ______ in his first year at uni and quickly got into it big time. I think he didn’t have a lot going for him then – no girlfriend, no great interest in study – and the feelings resulting from using ______ gave him a real sense of purpose and accomplishment. When he couldn’t go ______, I’d find it almost impossible to be with him then. He climbs the walls, just like someone trying to kick a cigarette habit…he has no insight into that and won’t listen to anyone who tries to talk to him about it.
-Photographer, male, 26

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The purpose of this exercise is to illustrate that the name of the substance is not really important. It is the behaviour resulting from the use of the substance that really matters. As a DAMP Supervisor, it is not your responsibility to determine which drug is being used.

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