National: 1300 4 AVMED or 1300 4 28633
International: +61 2 6217 1888
Fax: 02 6217 1640
Should you find any listing to be incorrect please send an email to so that the information can be verified with the DAME or DAO and amended if appropriate.
IT Coordinator: 0434 076 851 or 02 6217 1405
The DAME Liaison officers can provide limited IT support in the absence of the IT Coordinator.
If you're a DAME and have a question please contact CASA's Aviation Medicine area by:
Phone: (02) 6217 1170
Postal address:
Aviation Medicine
GPO Box 1544
Canberra ACT 2601
If you are satisfied with Av Med’s medical certification process, please let us know. All feedback is welcome, but positive feedback helps us strengthen or improve the things we do well.
If you would like to provide us with a compliment, you can email your comments to with your ARN and the subject line: Compliments
If you have an enquiry or complaint related to processing, please let us know. Please send your feedback to with your ARN in the email subject line, along with the reason for your email:
If you have an enquiry or complaint related to the assessment of your application, please let us know. Please send your feedback to with your ARN in the email subject line, along with the reason for your email:
As part of this decision process you may have received an email telling you that you had 30 days in which you could provide information to CASA. If you responded to this email and you are still not happy with the decision that we have made and you feel that:
You can ask that the decision be reviewed and reconsidered or apply to the AAT. More information can be found on the Review of medical certification decisions page.
If you are not requesting reconsideration of your application and have an enquiry about another aspect of medical decision making, please send an email to with your ARN in the subject line.
If your complaint does not fit any of these categories above, you can email your issue to with your ARN and the subject line Attention: Team Leader Processing
If we are unable to resolve your issue or wish to make a complaint about the manner in which your application has been processed, you can escalate the complaint to the Industry Complaints Commissioner (ICC).
The principal role of the ICC is to provide the public and members of the aviation community with an identifiable and easily accessible mechanism through which complaints can be made about the decisions, administrative actions or services provided by CASA staff, delegates or authorised people.
The ICC will provide complainants with meaningful, timely and effective responses to complaints. The ICC has the power to determine if the actions were wrong, unjust, unlawful, discriminatory or unfair.