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If a medical condition or clinical issue (other than an excluded medical condition) is identified during a medical examination, the next step is to conduct an aeromedical risk assessment.
An aeromedical risk assessment requires investigation of the following:
Each of these aspects can be individually risk-managed by consideration of the likelihood (mainly clinical) and consequences (mainly operational) of an aviation event occurring.
The clinical mitigations might include any of the following:
Operational limitations and restrictions, designed to mitigate risk, may be imposed by the DAME delegate as conditions on the Class 2 medical certificate.
In the operational setting examples of such operational limitations and restrictions might include requirements for one or more of the following: no passengers; an additional pilot; local flying only; no flying over built up areas.
When safety relevant medical problems are identified, the DAME must actively consider whether to impose operational limitations and restrictions in the form of conditions on a Class 2 medical certificate. Where aeromedical risk of a safety-relevant medical problem is NOT mitigated by conditions or restrictions the application must be referred to CASA.