If you find any errors or omissions in this Handbook, or feel that something in it needs to change, write to:
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Thank you for your assistance in ensuring that this Handbook is up to date and correct.
Application for an ARN can be made by post, email or fax. Application forms are available from the CASA website - refer Form 1162 - Aviation Reference Number (ARN) Application.
Q. Under what circumstances will CASA accept a test result or report that was performed prior to, and independently of, the medical examination?
A. CASA will normally accept all results done within three calendar months of the examination. The results of external examinations referred to in the question are accepted only:
This can only be determined on a case by case basis as an exception only, and applicants should have no expectation that CASA will accept such information.
Note: CASA will not usually accept ophthalmological or audiometry reports which have not been completed on its own (electronic) stationery, even when these tests were performed for another Regulator, because of slightly different requirements and potential difficulty with interpretation.
Q. What are CASA's requirements for medical certification of NZ-qualified pilots who are granted equivalent Australian medical certificates under the terms of the Trans Tasman Mutual Recognition Act (TTMRA)?
A. The TTMRA and the reciprocal NZ legislation apply only to professional licence holders, so effectively concern only Class 1 licence holders. The legislation is completely silent on the issue of medical certification, so CASA and CAA NZ have agreed to deal identically, as follows with affected pilots, whose initial qualifications were gained in the other country but who now have a local licence.
The CAA NZ medical certificate used to validate the original (NZ) licence may be used to validate the newly issued Australian licence until expiry of the NZ medical certificate. (For a Class 1 medical certificate, this may permit a validity period of up to 12 months.) The relevant authority for this is CAR 5.04 (2).
The licence holder is required to carry the CAA NZ medical certificate when exercising the privileges of the newly issued Australian licence, and also to observe any conditions set out on that medical certificate or in an accompanying letter issued by CAA NZ.
On expiry of the CAA NZ medical certificate, the holder of the licence granted under TTMRA is required to undergo a full CASA ‘Initial” Class 1 medical assessment, including ophthalmology report, audiometry, fasting blood lipid and glucose estimations and resting ECG. As for other Class 1 applicants, a stress ECG should be arranged if indicated. Thereafter, these licence holders will be required to meet identical requirements to all other Class 1 medical certificate holders, including the usual suite of periodically required screening tests.
If a person has held a CASA medical and then flies for a few years in NZ, the above mentioned exception does NOT apply. In such cases, if a person wishes to fly in Australia, a complete medical examination will need to undergone.
Q. For how long after blood donation should licence holders/applicants who donate blood refrain from exercising the privileges of an aviation licence?
A. CASA recommends that holders of all classes of medical certificates should usually refrain from exercising privileges of any aviation licence for at least 24 hours after a routine blood donation. In other or unusual circumstances, consultation with a DAME or contact with the Aviation Medicine Section is advisable before resuming exercise of privileges.