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May 2014 edition

DAME Newsletter - May 2014

Online Payments

As of the 3rd March 2014, we are able to accept online payment for medical applications (many applicants have already paid online). Please direct your applicants to the CASA website and select the "Make a payment" option.

Do not upload Payment forms

Please be aware that payment forms must not be uploaded through the MRS System - this is to prevent any opportunity for fraud or misuse by holding credit card details.  If an applicant chooses not to make an online payment please always email payment forms to or fax to 02 6217 1640.

DAME 2 Initiative

We are nearing the end of our scheduled DAME2 information sessions. The initiative has been received well and is scheduled to be operational for a control group of DAMEs this month. Once we are comfortable that the system is working as expected the delegation application will be made available to the Doctors that have attended the DAME2 information sessions.

Upcoming DAME2 sessions

DAME2 training and information sessions
Location Date
Cairns Saturday 3rd May 2014
WA (Fremantle)* Sunday  8th June 2014

*including an extended session with the developers of MRS2.

We are currently looking into the possibility of holding a session in line with the ASAM Annual Conference in September and will provide details when available.


The replacement for the current MRS system is being developed. The new system known as MRS2 will be operational in 2015. This system is being designed to provide a more efficient way of interacting between DAMEs and CASA, provide more detail of applicants’ history to the DAME and allow for the applicant to complete the history before attending the appointment.

A new approach for the questionnaire is being developed, a survey has be forwarded to DAMEs and pilots for feedback on the look of and content of the new online questionnaire. Please take this opportunity to complete the survey as your opinion is very important. Please respond to the survey.

A phrase comes to mind from my Marriage Celebrant days, "Speak now or forever hold your peace."

1st Certificate issued - 6 weeks post Stent

As outlined in the December Newsletter after a recent cardiology workshop we reviewed the procedures regarding stenting.

Dr Aparna Hegde has now issued the first medical certificate 6 weeks post stent!

This airline pilot who had mild breathlessness on walking quickly upstairs, no angina was found to have  mid LAD 80% stenosis, minor irregularities right coronaries and Lt circumflex.

He underwent stenting 7 March 14 and  was troponin negative 24hrs post procedure - 2 drug eluting stents to LAD.

A post procedure MPS at 5 weeks was  negative for ischaemia, and showed a normal EF. He was on Plavix and Aspirin for anticoagulation. Risk factors were hyperlipidaemia (on Crestor).

A certificate was issued with with 6M stress ECHO/MPS and CAR for cardio and stress test

For the approach, refer to the CPG - Coronary Artery Disease.

AvMed Contact numbers

The contact number for pilots and controllers is 1300 4 AVMED (1300 4 28633).

The contact number for DAMEs has not changed: +61 2 6217 1170.

DAME Education and CPD schedule

Seminar and conference information
Event Date Location
ASAM WA Regional Meeting 7 June 2014 Western Australia
ASAM Annual Conference 10-13 Sept 2014 Brisbane
ICASM 2014 12-16 Oct 2014   Mexico City, Mexico