CASA Website > Avmed > Guidelines > Sarcoidosis
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This guidance applies to applicants Sarcoidosis affecting any organ system, whether active or quiescent.
Aeromedical Implications
Effect of aviation on condition
- Fatigue
- Sleep deprivation
- Increased cardiac workload during stressful phases of flight
- Hypoxic, hypobaric, low relative humidity flight environment
Effect of condition on aviation
- Overt incapacitation
- Distracting pain
- Acute shortness of breath
- Pulmonary embolism
- Heart failure
- Arrhythmia
- Seizure
- Sudden death
- Cognitive impairment
- Vision impairment
- Fatigue
Effect of treatment on aviation
- Neuropsychological impairment secondary to steroid treatment
- Risk of infection
Approach to medical certification
Based on the condition
- Confirmed diagnosis
- Absence of significantly impaired respiratory, ocular, neurological, renal or cardiac involvement
- Reports and investigations will be dependent upon if primarily pulmonary sarcoidosis or if there is extrapulmonary involvement
Based on Treatment
- Acceptable, stable treatment without significant side effects
Demonstrated Stability
- Adequate period of grounding before new aviation medical assessment until demonstrated stability and absence of symptoms or complications
- Absence of symptoms eg shortness of breath
Risk assessment protocol - Information required
New cases
CASA requires a report from the treating specialist(s) – eg. Respiratory physician, Cardiologist, Ophthalmologist etc, depending on organ involvement. The report(s) should detail:
- Confirmed diagnosis
- Clinical status
- symptoms such as breathlessness, pain, palpitations, visual disturbance, neurological symptoms, etc
- progress
- Investigation reports (for relevant affected organ systems)
- Respiratory:
- chest x-ray
- spirometry
- histopathology report
- blood test results
- If clinically indicated, full pulmonary function testing, diffusion capacity, blood gases
- Cardiac:
- Echocardiogram with ejection fraction
- 24 or 48 hour Holter
- If clinically indicated, stress test
- Ophthalmic:
- slit lamp examination
- tonometry
- results of computerised visual field plot
- Other investigations if clinically indicated
- Cardiac MRI
- Cardiac stress test
- Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA)
- High resolution CT of lungs
- Management
- Proposed monitoring and follow-up plan. Please detail periodic investigations required.
Renewal for Confirmed Disease
CASA requires a report from the doctor monitoring the applicant’s sarcoidosis. CASA will require further reports from other specialists if other organs are involved. The specialist report should detail:
- Clinical status
- symptoms such as breathlessness, pain, palpitations, visual disturbance, neurological symptoms, etc
- involvement of critical target organs e.g. brain, heart, lungs, kidneys
- progress
- Investigations conducted as recommended by specialist, e.g.
- Pulmonary function test, including spirometry and DLCO
- Chest x-ray, if clinically indicated
- Relevant blood tests
- 24 or 48 hour Holter
- DAO or CO report with slit lamp examination, tonometry and results of computerised visual field plot
- Management
- Proposed monitoring and follow-up plan
Indicative outcomes
- Initial notification to CASA and grounding until demonstrated stability and absence of symptoms or complications
- Unrestricted certification is possible if asymptomatic with absence of or risk of significant impairment
- Absence of significant symptoms
- Disease control. (NB Prednisolone equivalent daily dose acceptable at 10mg or less if tolerated)
- Absence of side-effects from treatment
- Absence of cardiac, ocular, neurological or renal involvement
- Dyspnoea at rest
- Pulmonary hypertension
- Any calculi in the collecting system (irrespective of location) or ureteric obstruction
- Visual disturbance
- Overlapping visual field defect.
- Headache, seizure, ataxia, cognitive impairment, etc.
- Evidence of rhythm disturbance
- LV ejection fraction <50% or significant abnormality of wall motion on echocardiogram
- Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator
- Treatment
Pilot and Controller Information
- Annual review will be required for a minimum of 3 years after diagnosis (as >50% remission during this period). Ongoing annual review after 3 years will be dependent upon extent of organ involvement.
- Multi-crew restriction may be required for pilots
- An Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator is considered safety relevant.
- Treatment may impact the ability to exercise the privileges of your medical certificate. Be advised that Prednisolone up to 10mg daily may be acceptable on a case by case basis.
The Clinical Practice Guideline is provided by way of guidance only and subject to the Clinical practice guidelines disclaimer