CASA Website > Avmed > Guidelines > Seizure Disorders & Fits/Funny Turns
Seizure Disorders & Fits/Funny Turns
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This applies to any history of fits, faints, funny turns, seizure, loss or disturbance of consciousness at any age.
For assessment of seizure related to head injury, please see CPG on Head Injury
Aeromedical Implications
Effect of aviation on condition
- Exposure to unavoidable provocative factors e.g. strobe lights, propeller flicker, fatigue, hypoxia etc
- Sleep deprivation
- Time zone changes and shift work may adversely affect medication efficacy
Effect of condition on aviation
- In-flight seizures have catastrophic consequences
- Increased risk of subtle and sudden incapacitation
- Medication used may adversely affect psychomotor function
Approach to medical certification
Based on the condition
- A confirmed diagnosis, supported by evidence, is important to stratify risk
- Epilepsy and seizure disorders do not meet the regulatory standard
Based on Treatment
- Use of anti-epileptic medication is not acceptable in the aviation environment
Demonstrated Stability
- Time period for demonstrated absence of seizures off medication is a minimum of 10 years in most cases
- Abnormal EEG diagnostic of seizure disorder is usually an indication of ongoing risk of seizure and does not meet the regulatory standard
Risk assessment protocol - Information required
New cases - ENT specialist or Treating Doctor report (depending on condition)
- Confirmed diagnosis (with reference to eye witness, ambulance records, emergency department hospital records and specialist reports.)
- Clinical status
- Investigations conducted – CT, MRI, EEG
- Other tests and interventions previously undertaken
- Management
- treatment
- side-effects
- monitoring
- Follow-up plan
Renewal (ENT specialist or treating doctor)
- Treating doctor report confirming seizure-free and absence of provoking factors: e.g. alcohol
- No medication
Indicative outcomes
After 10 (ten) years off medication and seizure-free, the following considerations may apply:
- Simple childhood febrile seizures
- Provocative factors no longer present
- Diagnosis of epilepsy or known seizure disorder
- Multiple seizures, particularly if unprovoked
- Complex febrile seizures
- Post traumatic seizures
- Provocative factors present in aviation
- Abnormal investigations – Neuropsychiatic assessment, MRI, EEG
- Requirement for anti-epileptic or other prophylactic medication
Pilot & Controller Information
- Any seizure disorder is not compatible with flying or controller duties. No restrictions adequately reduce the risk. For example, a co-pilot may be unable to assume control.
- Contemporaneous comprehensive history including statements from eye witnesses, ambulance records, emergency department and hospital records is essential for accurate diagnosis.
- Reliance upon medication for seizure controls introduces an additional set of risks, including side effects and difficulties with varying levels of medication in the body.
- Diagnostic uncertainty will usually require a demonstrated absence of seizures of a minimum of 10 years.
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