CASA Website > Avmed > Mrs > Changes to MRS
Changes to MRS
A number of changes were made to MRS on 9 December 2016. The changes are explained below.
Applicant and DAME declarations
- Applicant and DAME declarations no longer require a signature. You and the applicant need to review the declaration - the statement is important.
- The applicant declaration must be completed while the applicant is still with you, and be made before you can complete the examiner declaration.
- You will see a new popup that states the declaration can only be accepted by the applicant. The applicant declaration will display when you click the ok button.
- The applicant now only needs to click the “I agree” button on the declaration popup.
- You will then be able to complete the Examiner Declaration by clicking the “Examiner Declaration” button then clicking the “I agree” button on the declaration popup. This can be done at any time. You can then proceed to problem mapping.
- Note: Some DAMEs may find that their browser will cache the Applicant Declaration and it may look like the declaration has not been confirmed. If you press Ctrl + F5, the screen will refresh, the Application Declaration will then be greyed out and you can proceed to the Examiner Declaration.
- Note: MRS is having difficulties with surnames containing apostrophes. You may find you are unable to process the examination after the declarations have been completed. We are working to rectify this issue as soon as possible. Please call Av Med IT Support on 02 6217 1405 if you experience any problems.
Secure message notifications
- You will now be notified by email when you receive a secure message in MRS from Av Med.
- This email will be sent to the Principal DAME on the relevant examiner stamp.
Status of medical application
- The medical status is now more prominently displayed in MRS on the home screen and in the Examiner Summary screen. This shows you were the medical is up to.
Status of the medical certificate
- You will be able to see if a current medical is suspended, cancelled or refused. This status will be displayed in an orange box. For current, valid certificates, NO orange box is displayed.
- Medical certificates must not be revalidated if the status is suspended, cancelled or refused.
ECG must be uploaded before auto-issue
- Where an ECG is required for certificates that can be auto-issued, the ECG must be uploaded before the exam can be processed.
- If a certificate can be auto-issued and the ECG has not been uploaded, a message will display asking you to attach the ECG.
- Note: If MRS requests an ECG trace on a class 1 or 3 medical and it is NOT an age requirement, please call or email Av Med IT Support on 02 6217 1405 or
DAME2 assessments
- If you are a DAME2, you will be able to assess an increased number of findings and then issue a certificate where appropriate.