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1.3 The Purpose of the DAME Handbook


If you find any errors or omissions in this Handbook, or feel that something in it needs to change, write to:

Please include details of the page on which you wish to provide feedback.

Thank you for your assistance in ensuring that this Handbook is up to date and correct.

The DAME Handbook has different pages for each condition. The handbook provides information to DAMEs as to the general approach that CASA takes in dealing with different conditions. The purpose of this part of the handbook is to inform DAMEs about possible outcomes in different matters, so that their communication with the pilots can be appropriately informed. It also helps to inform what investigations or specialist reviews may be helpful in assisting CASA in making a decision. Medical science progresses rapidly, new developments in medicine become accepted as best practice - and thereby change the existing practice. While it is desirable for the handbook to be accurate and up to date, this is not always possible due to resource limitations.

Irrespective of the state of currency of the contents of a section of the handbook, it is important to recognise that the decisions that CASA makes are on a case by case basis, and will from time to time not match the generic information that is provided in the Handbook. This is either because the handbook is not adequately up to date, or because the decision is based on the individual circumstances of the applicant under consideration.

As noted above, the handbook is meant only as a source of guidance to DAME's on issues which are of relevance in considering aero-medical certification of pilots with certain conditions and injuries. It is not intended to be a policy statement that sets out the manner in which CASA will proceed to make decisions in any given case.