If you find any errors or omissions in this Handbook, or feel that something in it needs to change, write to:
Please include details of the page on which you wish to provide feedback.
Thank you for your assistance in ensuring that this Handbook is up to date and correct.
On becoming aware of any condition that is safety relevant in the holder of or applicant for an aviation medical certificate, the DAO or CO must notify CASA of full details within five working days. Note that certain minor conditions need not be reported until the applicant's next-following routine medical assessment (see 6.5 Temporary Incapacity of Certificate Holders). CASR 67.125 refers.
The DAO or CO Duties and Responsibilities of DAOs and COs must be satisfied as to the identity of each applicant for medical certification. Unless the DAME or CO personally knows the applicant, he/she must sight a photographic identity document of the applicant. Subsequently, the DAO or CO is required to certify that he/she has formally identified each applicant. CASR 67.170 refers.
Note: It is prudent to remind applicants, when making appointments, of the need to bring photographic identification to their appointments
The DAO or CO is to examine personally each applicant presenting for examination, and record the results in the eye examination report.
The DAO or CO is to comply with CASA's directions concerning completion and lodgement of eye examination reports. See Examiners with Farnsworth Lantern Testing Facilities on the CASA website.
The DAO or CO is to ensure that the applicant signs Form 011A - Application for Aviation Medical Certificate - Declaration on completion of the examination, enter his/her details on the statement, and forward it to CASA within the period specified.
The DAO or CO is to maintain an up-to-date knowledge of the relevant civil aviation medical standards and techniques required by CASA and by ICAO, and also interpret these requirements for applicants for medical certification. In particular, the DAO or CO is to acknowledge promptly advice from CASA on publication of DAME Newsletters or of changes to the DAME Handbook.
The DAO or CO is to notify CASA promptly of any change of address, change of e- mail address, change of telephone number, or absence from practice for periods of four weeks or more.
The DAO or CO is required to display his/her certificate of appointment as a DAO or CO in his or her professional rooms.
The DAO or CO is to return his/her official stamp to CASA on cessation of appointment.
The DAO or CO is to use his/her official stamp for CASA-related purposes only.