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5.3 The Medical Certificate


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Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1988 require an aviation licence holder to have a current, valid medical certificate appropriate to the Class of licence held in order to validate the licence holder's exercise of privileges conferred by the licence. That is, in order to
exercise the privileges of an aviation licence, the licence holder must have both a licence and a valid medical certificate for the Class of licence.

The medical certificate confirms that the applicant has been medically assessed, details the Class of medical certificate held, the validity date, and confirms either that the required medical standard is met or details of any restrictions imposed by CASA which affect the medical certificate's validity and therefore the use of the licence (refer 7.2 Frequently Used Conditions Endorsed on Medical Certificates). For professional licence holders, it also notes the dates of most recent additional examinations required (refer 6.6 Additional Investigations and Specialist Opinions).

DAMEs are not authorised to issue interim original medical certificates. Where permitted by Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (see CASR 67.220 and 67.225) they may revalidate an existing current medical certificate or one that has expired for less than three months (see following Section). Legally, every medical certificate is a new medical certificate. The 'new' medical certificates issued by DAMEs under provisions of CASR 67.225 actually refer to revalidated medical certificates that have expired for less than three months.