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6.1 Electrocardiographs


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Routine electrocardiographs are required at specified intervals for Class 1 and Class 3 medical certification. They may also be required on clinical grounds.

All ECGs sent to CASA are to be mounted on A4 paper and must contain the following information.

  • Applicant's full name
  • Applicant's ARN
  • Date of recording.

Leads should be marked on the trace and the calibration mark should be clearly visible. The tracing should be performed using standard calibration (10 mm/mV). If half calibration is needed to clarify the standard trace, both should be sent to CASA. ECGs with slurred or incorrect calibration are not acceptable.

When self-reporting ECG machines are used, the reports are to be included with the tracings.

Where an ECG is known to be abnormal, copies of the previous ECG or reference to it (particularly regarding any changes) would be helpful and should speed CASA's evaluation of the applicant.

The DAME should also examine all ECGs and assess them as normal or abnormal, then provide details of any abnormality detected in the medical report.

Note that reports (whether by the DAME or other interpreter) should accompany all ECGs sent to CASA. Except for those already reported on by an approved specialist or interpreted as normal by a self-reporting machine, CASA will arrange for a cardiologist to report on all ECGs. This process requires up to a week.

All ECGs (normal or abnormal) must be sent to CASA, together with a cardiologist's or other specialist's report as appropriate.