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8.1 General Matters


If you find any errors or omissions in this Handbook, or feel that something in it needs to change, write to:

Please include details of the page on which you wish to provide feedback.

Thank you for your assistance in ensuring that this Handbook is up to date and correct.

Applicant statement and examiner certification forms should be forwarded to CASA as soon as possible following completion. On receipt, they will be scanned and attached to applicants' medical files.

ECG recordings, pathology and imaging reports and specialist consultation reports, as hard copies, should be forwarded to CASA as soon as possible following completion or when received by the examiner. Legible scanned copies of such documents may also be sent to CASA as attachments to medical assessment reports submitted online.

Compression graphic formats such as JPEG should not be used because of the loss of information that accompanies the compression process. Do not attempt report scanning unless certain of the properties of the format used. The Aviation Medicine Section will provide further advice on request. (Note: CASA intends to develop subsequent versions of MRS Online that facilitate online lodgement of virtually all usually required documents).

Poor quality reproductions of such reports are of no use to CASA and DAMEs will be required to send replacements if MRS is unable to capture a legible image. This problem particularly arises with photocopied documents that are transmitted by facsimile.

Once a medical assessment report is received, the MRS Expert System will automatically determine whether or not the applicant clearly meets the medical standard(s) for the Class(es) of medical certificate(s) sought.