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CASA uses multi-crew endorsements as a means of risk mitigation. Their use enables pilots to continue flying and air traffic control staff to continue duty despite the presence of medically-significant conditions which would otherwise pose an unacceptable risk to the safety of air navigation.
When a Class 1 or Class 2 medical certificate is endorsed with the condition Holder to fly as or with a qualified co-pilot', all of the following conditions apply:
Note: it is sometimes possible for an applicant to have an as or with co-pilot' restriction on a Class 1 medical certificate but an unrestricted Class 2 medical certificate
Note: This condition does not:
Note: This condition does not:
When a Class 3 medical certificate is endorsed with the condition Holder is required to inform employer of the nature and extent of his/her medical impairment and to co-operate in establishing mitigation strategies to minimise the effect of this impairment', the following applies:
The holder who has such a restriction on a Class 3 medical certificate is required to inform his/her employer of the nature and extent of his/her medical impairment and to co-operate with the employer in establishing strategies to minimise the risk of his/her impairment causing acute incapacitation. Relevant strategies may include, but are not limited to, measures such as special roster or shift arrangements, specified meal breaks, or guaranteed access to prescribed facilities.
When a Class 3 medical certificate is endorsed with the condition Holder may exercise the privileges of the licence without supervision, but there must at all times be another licensed air traffic controller who is aware of the holder's impairment present and able to assume the holder's air traffic management duties should the holder experience sudden incapacitation', the following applies:
The holder who has such a restriction on a Class 3 medical certificate is not permitted to undertake duty alone and is required to ensure, at the beginning of each shift, that his/her co-workers are aware of the type of incapacity the individual may experience while working and that at least one co-worker is available at all times to take over the individual's air traffic management duties should such a sudden incapacitation eventuate.