The new MRS will be released on 21 March 2016. Here are some important dates to keep in mind.
The MRS training environment will close at midday 16 March. If you have not yet already used the training environment please give it a try. Please contact if you have any issues.
Submit all applications by close of business on 16 March. AvMed cannot accept any application for a medical certificate created in the current MRS after this date. Any applications not submitted to CASA by 16 March will need to be re-entered in the new MRS and submitted for assessment.
Data migration from the old system to the new system will take place during 17-20 March. No applications or online payments can be undertaken or submitted during this time. CASA recommends that any applicants who request an examination between the 14-20 March are deferred until the following week to allow for easy submission in the new MRS system.
The new online aviation Medical Records System will be released.
From this date all aviation medicals must be completed using the new MRS system. This includes the history portion to be completed by the applicant. Any medical examinations received by the old system after 21 March will be returned to the DAME and applicant.
On Thursday the last certificate was printed in the old MRS, and on Friday the first certificate was assessed and printed in the new MRS.
The logon URL is:
First time you need to reset your password. To set your password, click the 'Reset Password' button on the login screen and follow the instructions to send yourself a password reset email. Remember you will need to add your full name, including middle name, in the 'given names' field.
E-learning, user guides and further information can be found on the MRS tips page.
You can contact the IT Coordinator: 02 6217 1405. DAME Liaison officers can provide limited IT support in the absence of the IT Coordinator.
Please be aware that as the system is new, the IT Coordinator is experiencing a high volume of calls, your call will be answered in due course.
The development team are continuing to tweak and improve a range of things and we will take on board your feedback.
An MRS E-Learning module will be released soon. The module will provide role specific information for DAMEs, DAOs, nurses etc. The user is directed to the content relevant to their role and will be provided with step by step guides. The information and a link to access the module will be emailed to you.
The new CASA website has been released. It features a new design, navigation structure and a better search to improve user experiences. You will now find an MRS login panel for Examiners in the top right hand corner of the homepage under the 'login' drop down menu.
CASA issued examiner stamps will be made redundant when the new MRS is introduced. You will still keep your allocated examiner number(s) however, the physical stamp will no longer be required. After 21 March, please either return your stamp to CASA or destroy your stamp by removing the rubber base and cutting it up before placing it in the bin.
The new MRS system will automatically mark your designation inactive once the due for renewal date has passed. You will still be sent the reminder email the month prior to your expiry date. If you fail to renew by your expiry date you will be marked inactive and lose access to the system until your renewal is received. It's helpful to keep your certificate somewhere prominent and note your expiry date on your calendar.
A recent Australian Prescriber editorial by Prof Jennifer Martin, Clinical Pharmacology, University of Newcastle, makes a strong case for care in the introduction and prescription of new medications. We have been challenged, sometimes most forcefully, about the time taken to accept that newer medications are safe in the aviation environment. Prof Martin highlights the number of medications which have been withdrawn, and experience teaches us that the true role of a treatment takes years to become clear. It is said that there are no old bold pilots. Perhaps that concept is relevant for prescribers and regulators alike.
The Australasian Society of Aerospace Medicine (ASAM) New South Wales meeting will be held on 28 May 2016 at the Historical Aircraft Restoration Society Museum at Illawarra Regional Airport. It's an interesting venue and an excellent programme is planned.
Medical Practitioners have a responsibility to ensure the confidentiality of identifiable medical records, and the Medical Records System forms part of that responsibility. CASA must protect the privacy of information it stores, and a new chapter 13 in the DAME Handbook covers this.
To simplify things, we have deliberately sought to reference existing protocols and guidance. For practices with existing policies, there will be very little to do. Links are referenced in the DAME Handbook Chapter 13.
Please check your existing policies include MRS access and use:
If these are in place, you have nothing further to do.
If these policies are not in place, they will need to be. There are some key dates to note:
Red-tape reduction: we will send you an email next week with voting buttons. These will enable you to respond electronically to these questions.