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Routine renewal of Aviation Medical Certificates: What pilots should know and do

Step 1

When you receive your medical certificate, and afterwards

You should:

Obtain an Aviation Reference Number (ARN) (Form 1162) if you don’t already have one.

Preparing for your next medical
You should:

  • Find out which regular test reports you need by:
  • Make sure you have the special reports requested by CASA in previous emails
    • Keep letters or emails from CASA that tell you what medical tests/ reports will be needed to renew your medical certificate next time

Step 2

Once all medical reports are obtained, or more than 28 days before expiry of your aviation medical certificate
You should:

  • Update your medical history in MRS
  • Make an appointment with your DAME.

NOTE: Some DAMEs can assess and provide a medical certificate for certain Class 2 applications (these are called DAME2 assessors). Pilots with excluded medical problems and certain conditions on their medical certificate must have their applications assessed by CASA in the usual way. View the exclusions list in Chapter 12.3 of the DAME Handbook

  • All other applications (i.e. Class 1 and 2, Class 3, Class 2 and 3) are assessed by CASA in the usual way.
  • Take the following to your medical:
    • All your test results/ reports
    • Notes of all the medical consultations/ treatments/ medications that you have had since your last examination
    • Medical Certificate, ARN, photographic identification, and your credit card details for the CASA fee and DAME appointment fee
    • Standby spectacles (if you require glasses or contact lenses to fly)
  • Answer all questions correctly and completely.

You may:

  • Request temporary revalidation (by DAME2) or extension (by CASA) of your certification if there is limited time before your medical certificate expires. These are considered on a case-by-case basis and are not automatic. See Note 1 below.
  • Pay the CASA fee for processing your application on MRS.

Step 3

As soon as possible after your DAME appointment
You should:

  • Arrange any additional medical tests/ assessments required by your DAME. If required, see your DAME again, taking the test results/ reports with you.

The DAME will:

  • Using MRS, provide his/ her report along with copies of your medical reports when your medical assessment is complete if you have asked him/ her to do so.

Step 4

Once CASA gets your application
CASA will:

  • Assess whether your medical certificate can be issued or whether further information/ tests are required. In routine cases, CASA aims to complete this part of the process in less than 28 days.

You should:

  • Provide, as soon as possible, any further information/ test results needed by CASA.
  • Check advice from CASA about
    • conditions on your medical certificate
    • medical reports required during currency of this certificate
    • medical reports you will need for future certification (see step 1).
  • We suggest you put reminders in your phone/ computer to make sure you leave plenty of time to obtain any required tests/ reports.
  1. See separate (change in medical condition) checklist for this situation. A medically significant condition includes (no matter how minor): any illness or injury; any bodily infirmity, defect or incapacity; any mental infirmity, defect or incapacity; any sequela of an illness, injury, infirmity, defect or incapacity; any abnormal psychological state; drug addiction and drug dependence; and, for a woman, pregnancy and the physiological and psychological consequences of pregnancy or of termination of pregnancy. Information about significant medical conditions may be found in CASA's DAME Clinical Practice Guidelines.
  2. DAMEs are not permitted to revalidate aviation medical certificates that have 'Review by CASA Only' written on them. See a separate (CASA audit) checklist for this situation.